EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic


In this section you will find information about EMN activities and invitations to various events.

Listen up with EMN Slovakia: Podcasts from the 10th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration: Demystifying Migration and Harnessing Its Power

Migration is a reality which, if managed well, promotes the exchange of knowledge and contributes to economic growth. During our jubilee 10th edition of the EMN Educational Seminar on Migration we, among other topics, examined some of the common myths and misconceptions about migration and migrants, and how they shape public attitudes and narratives. Listen to a series of podcasts of the European Migration Network (EMN) Slovakia and explore diverse aspects of migration.

19 September 2024

New EMN inform explores implementation of the migration-development nexus in the EMN Member Countries and Serbia

The inform explores the implementation of the migration-development nexus across the EMN Member Countries and Serbia and provides a comprehensive overview of national policies and initiatives that integrate the migration-development nexus at both strategic and operational levels. It highlights various approaches among countries, while emphasizing cooperation through bilateral and multilateral partnerships with third-country partners. The inform covers initiatives from 2019 to 2023 and discusses best practices and challenges encountered by countries in applying this nexus.

17 September 2024

New EMN inform explores challenges and strategies for achieving coherent return and reintegration policies

The inform provides a comprehensive overview of good practices and challenges in coordinating the return and reintegration of third-country nationals across EMN Member and Observer Countries. It highlights the importance of a coherent approach involving the alignment of various stakeholders and explores how improved coordination among stakeholders, strengthened institutional frameworks, and effective national strategies can ensure a systematic and structured approach to return and reintegration.

13 September 2024

New EMN inform explores how the integration of third-country nationals is monitored across the EU

A recent joint inform by the European Migration Network (EMN) and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) details policies and state-led practices for monitoring the integration of third-country nationals in the EU. Drawing on the contributions from 25 EMN Member and Observer Countries, the inform focuses on integration areas such as education, employment, social inclusion, and civic participation.

05 August 2024

European Commission has published EMNews

The European Commission has released the latest edition of EMNews, covering current developments, publications, and data related to migration, integration, and international protection in the European Union, its Member States, and EMN Observer Countries from April to June 2024. 

02 August 2024

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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