Thematic meetings
The EMN in Slovakia regularly organizes thematic meetings with experts in a particular migration or integration area. The meetings aim at preparing migration policies and legislation, discussing their practical application, or educating in a concrete area.
Thematic meetings are organized regularly in cooperation with the Bureau of Border and Foreign Police of the Police Force Presidium, the Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and the Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family of the Slovak Republic that are the members of the EMN Slovakia. These meetings are organized if need also for a specific expert public such as non-profit organizations, media and communication departments of ministries. The meetings can be organized in various formats, such as roundtable, seminar, workshop and working breakfast.
Topics of recent meetings:
2024 | Strategic approach to asylum and migration management in the Slovak Republic
2023 | How to Approach Children in the Migration Process: Collaboration among Stakeholders
2023 | Current practical information for people with temporary protection
2020 | Updating the Migration Policy of the Slovak Republic Forseen by 2025
2020 | Updating of the Integration Policy of the Slovak Republic aimed at labour market
2018 | Addressing the topic of migration to the public
2018 | Prevention of the unsuccessful integration of persons granted international protection in the SR
2018 | Unaccompanied Minors Care and Protection in Slovakia: Challenges and Practices