The EMN in Slovakia organizes national conferences and national network meetings on different themes from the area of international migration which are topical for the Slovak Republic in the particular year. Since 2011 more than 600 participants have attended the EMN conferences.
The conferences bring approaches and examples of good practice from the EU and non-EU countries. Apart from the national conferences, the EMN also organized an international high-level conference as part of the first Slovak Presidency in the Council of the EU in 2016.
Topics and outputs of 11 EMN conferences:
2022 | Dignified Labour Conditions as a Tool to Fight Modern Slavery
2019 | Health care provision to asylum seekers and foreigners with subsidiary protection
2017 | The Role of Municipalities in the Integration of Refugees
2016 | Rethinking Returns from the EU: Sustainable Returns and Cooperation with Countries of Origin (international event as part of the first Slovak Presidency in the Council of the EU)
2015 | Integration Programmes for Beneficiaries of International Protection
2014 | Protection and Care for Unaccompanied Children
2013 | Migration of Qualified Workers from Third Countries: Policies and Practice
2012 | Migration of Students from Third Countries to Slovakia and EU
2011 | National Dialogue on Integration
2010 | Labour Migration in the Slovak Republic and in the EU Member States
2010 | Attitudes of the Public towards Foreigners and Migration in the SR