EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic


In this section you will find information about EMN activities and invitations to various events.

Take part in the EMN Discussion Evening: The New Europeans with the Slovak film premiere

We have the pleasure to invite you to the Slovak film premiere of the documentary The New Europeans which will be followed by an expert discussion on migration topics. The EMN Discussion Evening will take place on 3 July 2023 at 7.30 pm in Kino Mladosť in Bratislava as part of the 9th EMN Educational Seminar on Migration: Protection of Migrants in Vulnerable Situations. The entry is free.

26 June 2023

Students from the Leaf Academy in Bratislava immerse themselves in the interactive educational activity Destination Europe

On 05 June 2023 European Migration Network (EMN) organized an educational workshop for students from the Leaf Academy, international boarding high school in Bratislava. Students pursued their interest in learning more about migration as a part of their ‘experiential curriculum’. The representatives of International Organization for Migration (IOM) within the activities of the EMN in Slovakia introduced the topic of migration followed by a role-playing activity Destination Europe.

12 June 2023

EMN discussed the current situation of refugees from Ukraine and their integration in Slovakia

Migration Office of the Ministry of Interior of the Slovak Republic and International Organization for Migration (IOM) as the members of the National Contact Point of the European Migration Network (EMN) for the Slovak Republic organized a thematic meeting “Current practical information for people with temporary protection” that took place on 30 and 31 May 2023 in Ružomberok. The meeting provided space to share experience on procedures, good practices and challenges related to integration of people from Ukraine as well as planned legislative amendments in the area of residence permits and integration.

07 June 2023

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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