EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic


What is EMN?

The European Migration Network (EMN) consists of National Contact Points (NCPs) in the EMN Member (EU Member States except Denmark) and Observer Countries (NO, GE, MD, UA, ME, AM, RS), the European Commission and the EMN Service Provider (ICF). Their experts cooperate in exchanging up-to-date, objective, reliable and comparable information on migration of the third country nationals with the purpose to support policymaking of the EU and its Member States. The EMN provides this information also to the public.


The European Migration Network is coordinated by the European Commission, more specifically the Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs (DG HOME). Each EU Member State (except from Denmark) has appointed their National Contact Point (NCP) that implements the EMN activities. The NCPs are either state authorities (mostly ministries of interior and justice), research institutions, universities or the national offices of the International Organization for Migration (IOM). The EMN can be joined by non-EU countries as observers.  

The Steering Board chaired by the European Commission is responsible for the political and strategic guidance of the EMN activities. Each Member State and the European Parliament have a representative in the Steering Board. The EMN was established by the Council Decision 2008/381/EC adopted on 14 May 2008.


A long-standing EMN observer country is Norway.


In March 2021, Georgia and the Republic of Moldova joined the EMN with an observer status. It was an important step towards reinforced cooperation of the EU and other countries in migration management. Accession of Georgia and the Republic of Moldova to the EMN is in line with the New Pact on Migration and Asylum from September 2020 which designs the framework of migration and asylum policies in the EU for the next five-year period.


In 2022, Ukraine, Montenegro and Armenia became EMN observer countries. Serbia became an observer country in March 2023.

Get to know us:

European Migration Network | 2022
10 Years of the EMN | 2018
Georgia joining the EMN | 2021
Moldova joining the EMN | 2021

What does EMN do?

Main EMN activities include elaboration of publications and ad hoc queries. It also organizes expert meetings and it cooperates on specific migration topics within expert groups. With its activities it contributes to awareness raising and education on migration among public.


The EMN focuses on collecting, analyzing and providing information and data on migration that are already available, particularly from secondary sources. Based on a common specification for all EU Member States and Norway every year it publishes several types of publications with information from the EU Member States and Norway - studies, annual reports, Informs, migration glossary, the EMN Bulletin and Newsletters.


The system of ad-hoc queries enables exchange of specific information on migration and international protection among the EU Member States, Norway and the European Commission in an accelerated manner. Compilations of answers that are produced provide a comparable overview of the current situation in the given area in respective states.


The EMN is active in the area of building networks and developing contacts at the national and international level. As part of this agenda, the EMN regularly organizes different expert meetings, national conferences, seminars, presentation meetings, webinars etc. It cooperates with the state institutions, international organizations, agencies and other stakeholders working in the area of migration and international protection.


As part of its activities, the EMN is also involved in expert groups. They serve mainly to exchange information and good practice in particular areas between the European Commission, the EU Member States and Norway. They include among others the Return Expert Group – REG established in 2014 and the EMN Platform on Statelessness founded in 2016.

EMN in Slovakia

The EMN National Contact Point in the Slovak Republic is composed of institutions as specified by the Agreement between the Government of the Slovak Republic and International Organization for Migration (IOM) on Coordination of the European Migration Network Activities.

Each of the EMN National Contact Point institutions in the SR has nominated an expert who, in coordination with IOM, participates in implementation of the EMN activities. Political guidance, key decisions and priorities of the Slovak Republic within the EMN are defined by the National EMN Steering Board which consists of senior executive managers from the institutions that constitute the Slovak EMN National Contact Point. These institutions are:


  • Bureau of Border and Foreign Police of the Police Force Presidium
  • Migration Office
  • Department of Foreign and European Affairs of the Office of the Minister of Interior


  • Department of International Relations and European Affairs


  • Section of Social Statistics and Demography
Statisticky urad SR


Since December 2008 the International Organization for Migration (IOM) has been the coordinator of the EMN National Contact Point in the Slovak Republic.

Statisticky urad SR

EMN History

The EMN was launched in 2003 as a pilot project of the European Union which was joined only by several Member States. The Slovak Republic took part in the pilot and preparatory activities until the EU established it as a permanent European network in 2008.


The first incentive to establish the EMN arose at the European Council Summit in Laeken in 2001. The European Council called upon the European Commission to consider the preparation of a European system of information exchange in the area of asylum, migration and countries of origin. The result of it was the EMN creation in 2003 as a pilot project running from 2004 to 2006. 


The Thessaloniki European Council in 2003 as well as the Hague Programme determining EU priorities in the area of freedom, security and justice from November 2004 underlined the need for common analysis of migration phenomena by means of collection, provision, exchange and efficient use of up-to-date information. The EMN represented one of the means towards this goal. The European Council stated that it would examine the possibility of setting up the EMN as a stable and permanent structure in the future. After the successful completion of the preparatory phase the EMN was established by the Council Decision/2008/381/EC adopted on 14 May 2008 as a permanent structure.


The Slovak Republic participated at some pilot and preparatory activities of EMN from 2003. Until December 2008 the Academy of the Policy Force was the EMN Coordinator in Slovakia. 


The function of coordinator was taken over by the International Organization for Migration – Office in the Slovak Republic based on the Memorandum on cooperation between the Ministry of Interior of the SR and International Organization for Migration. The Agreement between the government of the Slovak Republic and the International Organization for Migration on the coordination of the EMN activities from 20 July 2009 designated the institutions that became members of the EMN National Contact Point in the Slovak Republic.

December 2008

IOM as EMN coordinator in Slovakia

December 2008

May 2008

creation of EMN as a permanent EU network

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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EMN Coordinator for the EU

European Comission - Directorate General for Migration and Home Affairs 

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