IOM International Organization for Migration as the coordinator of the EMN National Contact Point in the Slovak Republic arranged a one-day conference entitled Migration of Students from Third Countries to Slovakia and EU which took place in Bratislava on 4 December 2012.
The aim of the conference was to present existing policies, measures and their impact on immigration of third-country students to EU through the main findings from the EMN study on Immigration of International Students to EU Member States.
Representatives of the Austrian, Czech, Norwegian and Slovak EMN National Contact Points presented main findings from the EMN study on Immigration of International Students to EU Member States from their perspective. Part of the conference programme was also a panel discussion with state and public sector representatives on the impacts of international student migration.
The conference was targeted at representatives of relevant state institutions, universities, non-profit organizations and foreign missions active in the field of migration and internationalization of higher education as well as at international students and other individuals interested in this topic.
Conference topic and outcomes were covered by the Slovak media in the following articles:
- International students are not interested in Slovakia, laws make their lives harder -, 14.12.2012
- Students from abroad does not search for Slovakia -, 22.12.2012
Photogallery of the conference
Photogallery of the conference on Migration of Students from Third Countries to Slovakia and EU
Presentations for download
Adel-Naim Reyhani - Immigration of International Students from Third Countries to Austria (432 KB)
Andrea Frkáňová - Migrácia zahraničných študentov do SR a EÚ (488 KB)
Eivind Hoffmann - Nordic Perspective on International Students (120 kB)
Jan Rychlík - Studium cizinců ze třetích zemí: migrační nebo vzdělávací politika? (396 kB)
Jozef Jurkovič - Implementované politiky a dopady migrácie zahraničných študentov (252 kB)
Katarína Kubovičová - Predstavenie Európskej migračnej siete a jej aktivít (450 KB)
Laura Gressnerová - Slovenská technická univerzita v Bratislave (0,98 MB)
Ľuboš Török - Implementácia politiky a dopady migrácie zahraničných študentov (652 kB)
Michal Fedák - Dopady migrácie zahraničných študentov v kontexte Slovenska (856 kB)
Other documents for download
Programme of the EMN Conference on Immigration of international students to Slovakia and EU 2012 (324 KB)
Poster for the EMN Conference on Immigration of international students to Slovakia and EU 2012
(256 KB)