EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic

New EMN inform explores the access to autonomous housing in the context of international protection

01 March 2024

The latest EMN inform delves into the challenges and existing support services in accessing autonomous housing for international protection beneficiaries and applicants. The inform addresses the multifaceted challenges ranging from shortages in the private housing market to language barriers. It highlights the importance of the Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027, advocating for affordable and inclusive models to enable a smooth transition to independent living.

Access to adequate housing is a fundamental right and a strong prerequisite for ensuring other fundamental rights, which uphold human dignity and individual wellbeing. Being able to access independent living plays a crucial role in the integration process, serving as a precondition in order to get a job, access services such as education, healthcare, employment and social services.

The Commission’s Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027 underscores the significance to promote models of au­tonomous housing (rather than collective housing) for asylum applicants, especially families. Further, the action plan disseminates and amplifies innovative models of inclusive and affordable housing for beneficiaries of international protection. Moreover, EU Member States are encouraged to promptly offer tailored and autonomous housing options for refugees and asylum seekers who are likely to be granted international protection and thus facilitate a seamless transition for asylum seekers into inde­pendent living after being granted international protection.

The aim of this inform is to map out the challenges faced by applicants and beneficiaries of international protection in accessing autonomous housing and offer a thorough over­view of how EMN Member Countries and Serbia arrange such support for these two groups. This inform encompasses a review of national and regional/local policies and measures facilitating the transition and access to independent living, as well as provides examples of EU-funded initiatives and national good practices.

Almost all EMN Member Countries and Serbia documented difficulties faced by beneficiaries and applicants for international protection in accessing autonomous housing. This includes:

  • general shortage in the housing market and insufficient supply of affordable housing, particularly in urban and metro­politan areas
  • increased the cost of accommodation in the private market (e.g. high rental prices, unable to meet the deposit and guarantee requirements)
  • limited availability of social housing (e.g. long waiting lists, legal requirements to access social housing)
  • discrimination by landlords (e.g. due to their nationality, lack of trust)
  • administrative challenges (e.g. accessing loans due to their temporary status, requirements to submit tax declarations from previous years, lack of a steady income, or difficulties in meeting employment requirements
  • language barriers (e.g. rental/sales advertisements in different language)
  • limited social networks

Most EMN Member Countries and Serbia employ distinct procedures and measures to facilitate the shift from housing assistance provided under the reception system to autonomous housing.

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International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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