EMN National Contact Point
for the Slovak Republic



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Štúdia poskytuje informácie o rozsahu, charakteristike a trendoch v oblasti prevádzačstva migrantov z tretích krajín do EÚ. Zároveň analyzuje právne a politické rámce, ako aj programy a operačné reakcie, ktoré zaviedli vybrané členské štáty EÚ a tretie krajiny v boji proti prevádzačstvu do EÚ. Výskum vychádzal z ad hoc otázky EMN, rozhovorov s rôznymi subjektmi na medzinárodnej a národnej úrovni a úrovni EÚ a piatich prípadových štúdií, ktoré sa zameriavajú na konkrétne trasy prevádzaných migrantov. Štúdiu vypracovalo konzorcium pozostávajúce z Optimity Advisors, Medzinárodného centra pre rozvoj migračnej politiky (ICMPD) a Európskej rady pre utečencov a exulantov (ECRE), ktorí boli poverení Európskou komisiou.

The EMN Inform provides an overview of the mechanisms in place in the EU Member States to determine labour shortages and quantifies the needs for migration labour and it describes the scale and nature of unfilled vacancies in the EU. It also assesses how the impact of labour migration on national labour markets is monitored and what kind of instruments are used to that end.

Tento inform EMN poskytuje prehľad o mechanizmoch, ktoré členské štáty EÚ používajú pri stanovovaní nedostatku pracovných síl a vyčíslení potrieb pracovnej migrácie a opisuje aký je rozsah a charakteristika neobsadených pracovných pozícií v EÚ. Okrem toho hodnotí, akým spôsobom a akými nástrojmi je monitorovaný dopad pracovnej migrácie na národné pracovné trhy.

This EMN Inform presents the main findings from the EMN synthesis report on different approaches employed in the EU Member States and Norway to ensure that irregular migrants are informed of options for return, including voluntary and assisted voluntary return. It identifies the main challenges faced by Member States, provides information on national approaches involving migration and asylum authorities, other public authorities and other actors, describes the role of various involved actors, provides details about the tools used as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of these tools.

This focussed study informs about different approaches employed in the EU Member States and Norway to ensure that irregular migrants are informed of options for return, including voluntary and assisted voluntary return. Besides, it maps the estimated scale of irregular migration. In respect to the dissemination of information on voluntary return to irregular migrants who are not in contact with the authorities, the study identifies the main challenges faced by Member States, provides information on national approaches involving migration and asylum authorities, other public authorities and other actors, describes the role of various involved actors, provides details about the tools used as well as the evaluation of the effectiveness of these tools.

This focussed study provides an overview of the mechanisms in place in the EU Member States to determine labour shortages and quantifies the needs for migration labour. The study also assesses how the impact of labour migration on national labour markets is monitored and what kind of instruments are used to that end. Finally, the study will explore how the information gathered feed into policy measures.

EMN Coordinator for Slovakia

International Organization for Migration (IOM) – Office in the Slovak Republic

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